Q & A about the Project
Q: Who decided on the library’s Refresh Project?
A: The Bainbridge Public Library (BPL) Board of Directors gave the project its unanimous vote of approval following more than two years of consultation and collaboration with library patrons, Kitsap Regional Library (KRL) staff, and the architectural firm of Weinstein A+U.
Q: Why does the library need updating?
A: Our goals are to improve the experience of library patrons by providing for greater functionality of physical space and brightening up the interior and furnishings that have worn out over time. It’s what the community told us it wants.
Q: How much will it cost and who will pay for it?
A: The estimated cost is $1,243,000. As a result of careful stewardship of funds by the BPL board, about three-quarters of this cost will be paid for from the reserve fund. Bainbridge Island Rotary has generously given a grant of $100,000 and the Friends of the Library are committed for $90,000.
Q: When will the project start and how will patrons’ library experience be affected?
A: Current plans are that construction will begin in mid-March 2017. It’s anticipated the work will take approximately five months to complete. During this period the library will NOT close; rather the library has determined a plan to provide most services. More details to come.
Refresh, Revitalize, Renovate!
Scope of Project
The Refresh Project includes six main elements. Following is a brief overview of each of the items:
1. Open and connect the meeting room: The solid wall that currently separates the meeting room from the rest of the library will be replaced by a sliding glass door. This will allow for increased seating capacity from 80 to 132 seats, as well as allow new and additional use of the space. New tables and chairs will be included.
2. Reconfigure main floor: Flexible spaces for multiple uses will be created; comfortable reading areas will be expanded; worn furniture will be replaced; soft seating in the Young Adult area will be added. In addition, we intend to relocate periodical shelving, carrels, computer stations, fiction and nonfiction stacks, the express checkout and hold area; and to eliminate the Laptop Bar. Several media and study booths will be created to allow for meeting and conversation space with reduced impact on other library patrons. New moveable shelves will be added.
3 General: There will be new LED lighting & ceiling tiles installed on both levels, and new paint throughout. The foyer will be remodeled to provide a more welcoming experience for those entering the library.
4. Creation of Centralized Service Desks: This will be funded by KRL to provide better customer service by eliminating the need for patrons to switch between desks for different transactions. It will also provide for better use of the physical space by combining two large service points into one streamlined point of service.
5. Reconfigure Children’s Area downstairs: The central area of the room will be reconfigured for a single point of service to improve sight lines & safety. The express checkout will be relocated, a better picture book display will be added, and reading nooks & interactive learning stations will be created. A sliding glass wall will replace one wall of the story time room so it can be used as a multi-use classroom space, New furniture is also planned for this area.
6. Enlarge and remodel staff workroom: The staff workroom will be enlarged so that it can include additional work space for the children’s librarian, and new work space for the associate team.