Carol Schuyler, President
I am thrilled after a lifetime professionally
working in libraries to be able to give again in volunteer position. I got my Master's Degree in Librarianship
from the University
of Washington. My husband and I with our two young children
moved to the Island in 1976. I began my career as a part-time children's
librarian with Kitsap Regional Library at Bainbridge Island
two years later. I retired from the
library two years ago as Director of Support Services. It was wonderful to work and grow with the
system and it even allowed me to actively volunteer for the Washington Library
Association, culminating as its President.
I served for two years as the President of the Friends of the Library and
facilitate one of the library's book groups.
I am an active reader, gardener and quilter. My husband and I are travelers. When not on adventures, we are surrounded by
six grandchildren (all readers or read to) and two personable Ocicats, Joshua
and Jericho.
Judy Hartstone, Vice President
Envision a kaleidoscope. That�s my life! I have
worked for several sports teams; a marine and land animal park; Special
Olympics; a world-class museum (The Oakland Museum); received my MLS and was an
online reference librarian at a major downtown public library (San Jose);
bookseller (Eagle Harbor Book Co.); reporter and feature writer (Bremerton Sun;
Bainbridge Review); researcher and writer for the City of Bainbridge Island;
and President/Executive Director of PAWS of Bainbridge Island and another
animal welfare nonprofit for total of 20 years. In addition, I have been involved with several
island nonprofits over the decades since moving from the Bay Area to Bainbridge
Island in January 1990. Currently, I�m
an active volunteer with Island Volunteer Caregivers and Friends of the
Library. I was secretary of the BPL board during the major remodel in 1997/98, and
I look forward to again serving on the board of this premier community amenity.
Jeff Julius, Treasurer
Jeff practiced Union-side employment law for almost 50 years. He and his family are longtime
residents of Bainbridge Island as well as users of and contributors to the BI Public Library. After
retiring at the end of 2019, Jeff began doing volunteer work for several organizations, including
Fair Fight Action and VoteRiders. While reading the 2023 Annual Report for the Library, Jeff saw
that there was an opportunity to give back to the BI Public Library and reached out to the Library
Board. He now finds himself to be Board Member. When not doing volunteer work, Jeff is an avid
reader and he and his wife enjoy hiking, travelling, and spending time with their grandchildren,
who also love to read.
Charles Browne, Secretary
After 35 years as an expatriate business executive, primarily in emerging Latin American and Asian markets, Charlie retired to Bainbridge. He has been active in the Bainbridge Island Friends of the Library, serving on their Board in the past as Treasurer and later as President. Prior to retirement, his last posting was as Chairman and President of DuPont in China. During the years in Shanghai, he was active in the American Chamber of Commerce, and was elected to serve a term as Chairman. In 2004 he was conferred the Magnolia Award for contributions to Shanghai's development by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government. He and his wife are amateur gardeners.
Kip Bankart, Director
Kip graduated from the University of Denver 1970 with a BS in Psychology, and afterwards moved up to the mountains to ski. He married Diane in 1976, and they’re still walking side by side! Kip entered the fast-growing field of telecommunications, and spent the next 23 years working in a variety of technical hands-on, administrative, analytical, sales and customer support positions. On Bainbridge he set up his own landscaping and handyman business and began working for BPL as the grounds keeper and maintenance and repair guy for the Ihland Way buildings. He became the Facilities Manager for the KRL system, a position he held until he retired. Kip has been on the BPL Facilities Committee for twelve years and has continued into the present as a volunteer who discovered the magic of our library and can’t stay away!
Juliette Brown, Director
Juliette Brown grew up with a librarian mother and retains her love of books, reading, and learning to this day. Juliette moved to Bainbridge Island in 2012 with her family and has enjoyed living in the PNW tremendously. She is a retired high school teacher who is now a tutor and substitute teacher. She enjoys connecting with people in her community and has shared her therapy dog with many children at BPL over the years.
Tracey Peacoe Denlinger, Director
Jim McKeever, Director
I first came
to Bainbridge Island in 1963 to do David Black's travel camp, and was hosted by
my mother's college roommate who had a summer home on
Crystal Springs. I am a
now-retired pediatric psychologist/neuropsychologist. I moved to Seattle in
1988 from the east coast with my wife and preschool-aged children, and then in
1989 to Bainbridge. I worked at Virginia Mason in
Seattle for 15 years, and then at Seattle Children's Hospital until summer
2021. I was a Clinical Associate Professor in the UW Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, and have been President of the Washington
State Psychological Association and of the Pacific Northwest Neuropsychological
Society. My children went to Wilkes and graduated from BHS. While I have
loved reading all my life, I also love the outdoors and have been a life-long
hiker and trekker. Libraries
have always been a part of my life. My mother would drive me to the larger
library in the next town (NYC suburbs) when I had exhausted the children's
section in our local library. My wife tells me I have amassed way too many
books. I
would like to contribute my services to help support this institution that has
been so important to me and to our community.

Merry Palmer, Director
Merry has lived on the island since 1996 and since that time has purchased many, many books at the FOL Book Sales. After retiring in 2021, she is furthering her passion for books by volunteering with Friends of the Library and by joining the Bainbridge Public Library Board as a Director. She loves to read, spend time with family and is traveling whenever she can. In the past, she has served on the boards for Bainbridge Island Rowing Club, Marge Williams Center, and served as the Northwest chapter chair for the Professional Liability Underwriting Society.
Kathryn Tibbens, Director
The mission of the Bainbridge Public Library is to ensure a vibrant public library on Bainbridge Island.
All Volunteer
The Board of the Bainbridge Public Library is an all-volunteer group. There are no paid staff. This form of organization has managed the island's community library for more than 100 years. The Bainbridge Public Library was built "by the island people for the community".
Since 1961, the Bainbridge Public Library has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a 501(c)3 public charity.