Nora Nickum - Natural Science, ocean animals, Children's Books
Nora Nickum grew up on Bainbridge Island, and describes her childhood memories of the shores of Puget Sound, searching for (and sometimes sighting) orcas as some of her most-formative ones. Nickum attended Bainbridge High School, but traveled to Northfield, MN to major in Latin American Studies at Carleton College. She received her masters in public policy from the Harvard Kennedy School.
started focusing on writing children's books about four years ago when my
daughter was a toddler. My stories tend to feature ocean animals in some way.
Sometimes they're the main focus, sometimes
they make a fun and brief appearance, like in my forthcoming picture book, This
Book is Full of Holes (Peachtree, spring 2024) which includes whale blowholes
and the breathing holes that seals make in Arctic ice but also terrestrial
examples like wiffle ball holes and potholes. The steady thread of marine
inspiration comes from having grown up on Bainbridge Island, exploring
tidepools and keeping an eye out for animals like seals and herons. It also
comes from my current day job at the Seattle Aquarium, where I lead ocean
policy work and have fun taking breaks from my desk to visit the wolf eels, sea
otters, and octopus. Superpod (Chicago Review Press, April 2023) is particularly geared toward kids and teens but
written hopefully to also appeal to adults looking for a fun read. You'll meet
individual orcas, like Grandmother Shachi and spunky Tofino, as well as
scientists who are studying them using everything from underwater microphones
to suction-cup tags." Superpod was awarded the Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection. For more information go to