David Cohen - Photography
David Cohen is a local photographer on
Bainbridge Island. In 2012 Cohen's family
moved from the Island to Zutphen - a small village in Holland. He took a photo
or a series of images every day in order to have a visual memory everyday away
from home. His eBook
Opening Up and Letting Go (2015) chronicles the
images of places, people, events and landscapes as seen through his eyes and
felt by his heart. Cohen provides the reader his unique view of the cultural
differences and similarities during the 13 month adventure abroad as well as
everyday life in Zutphen. For more information go to the author's eBook Blog:
http://davidwcohenphotographyblog.blogspot.com/ or
his eBook on the iBook
https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id997541918?mt=11&ign-mpt=uo=6. The eBook will also
be sold locally by
Eagle Harbor bookstore.